Using cover crops is not just an agronomic decision to boost environmental sustainability, it’s a strategic business decision that can significantly increase profitability.
Cover Crops
The benefits of cover crops

Different than any other crop, cover crops do not have the intention to be harvested. Cover crops are designed to bring specific benefits to your normal crops, your fields and your profitability. Cover crops are planted between two main cropping periods and serve several key purposes:
Improve soil health:
Cover crops help restore the soil’s natural ecosystem. You’ll have better resilience against extreme weather conditions, increased nutrient availability, better soil structure and a lively ecosystem with beneficial microorganisms.
Reduce fertilizer input:
among other, cover crops can fix atmospheric nitrogen into the soil, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers, which decreases your costs.
Enjoy increased yields:
Healthy soils, better nutrient availability, and a lively ecosystem of microorganism often result in higher yields on the following crops.
Water management:
Cover crops help retain water in the soil by reducing evaporation, ensuring water is better available for the next crop, which can be crucial in dry weather.
Erosion control:
Protect the soil from erosion caused by wind and water, preserving topsoil and maintaining land productivity.
Weed suppression:
By outcompeting weeds for light and nutrients, cover crops reduce the reliance on herbicides, thereby saving on input costs and labor.
Pest and disease break cycle:
They can disrupt the life cycles of pests and diseases, reducing outbreaks and the need for chemical controls, leading to healthier crops and lower expenses on pesticides.
Increased profitability:
The combination of reduced input costs (fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides) and potentially higher yields translates into increased profitability for farmers.