ValueMix: Jet SAS Fly

ValueMix Jet SAS Fly® Broadcasting mix: easy and efficient application with rotary spreader. Nitrogen booster and weed suppressor. 

Species Variety Percentage
Hairy Vetch
Forage Radish

Technology: SAS Fly technology enables the broadcasting of seeds using a rotary spreader instead of a seed drill. The seeds are coated with natural ingredients to ensure even distribution. This more efficient seeding method significantly reduces diesel costs and time. The patented coating also attracts moisture, aiding in better crop establishments
Suitable for feed: No
Number of Seeds / m²: 80
Density: 0,77 kg/L
Plant before: Spring crop (e.g., corn or sunflower)




Nitrogen fixation

Boost phosphorus

Boost potassium

Soil erosion control

Уплътняване на почвата

Water retention

Weed suppression

Pest/Disease management

Additional nitrogen available to next crop: ~32 kg/ha (estimation only, as depending on numerous production factors and thus cannot be guaranteed)
Estimated speed of nitrogen release: Fast

Recommended application:


Summer after cereal, 10 days before harvest | Broadcasting is strongly recommended

Sowing rate:

20 kg/ha


Sensitive to frost. Likely no termination required (in any case, terminate no later than 40 days before sowing subsequent crops).

Field management:

Limited or no-till recommended. No changes to normal practices required. Irrigation not required.


Hairy vetch MASSA has good ballistic ability and good summer growth. The TERRANOVA radish benefits from the S.A.S FLY coating which improves its ballistic ability and crop establishment. Parasite control thanks to TERRANOVA anti-nematode radish. TERRANOVA is a late flowering variety with good establishment.

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