chicky IMI

chicky IMI


1. Seed count per bag (i.e. one unit): 150,000 seeds.
2. Recommended sowing rate: for dehulling; 40,000 – 45,000 seeds per hectare (covers 3.3 – 3.8 hectares). For bird food; 60,000 – 65,000 seeds per hectare (covers 2.3 – 2.5 hectares).
3. Sowing timing: Soil temperature must exceed 12°C before planting.
4. Potential yield per hectare: Genetic yield potential >4t/ha.
5. Germination rate: Guaranteed minimum >85%.
6. Seed treatment: Seeds are treated with fungicide. Additional treatment against Downey Mildew is recommended.
7. Applied herbicide technology: Chicky is an IMI hybrid. Normal dosage of imidazolinone-based herbicides can be applied. For example, Pulsar CL40 can be used.
8. Herbicide recommendation It is recommended to cultivate between rows. Regular soil-type herbicides commonly used for sunflower fields may be applied. For example, the herbicide Gardoprim Plus Gold is recommended at a dosage of 4.5 L/ha. It should be applied immediately after planting, within three days of sowing. Furthermore, Helianthex could be applied at a dosage of 45ml/ha, after 4th leaf up to the bud formation. For cereal weeds, we recommend Fusilade Forte 150 EC. This herbicide should be used at a dose of 1.0-1.3 L/ha. Apply during the 3rd to 5th leaf stage of weed growth. Mechanical and/or hand cultivation is highly recommended when weeds are aggressive.
9. Fertilization recommendation: 250 kg/ha of NPK fertilizer pre-sowing. 100 kg/ha of ammonium nitrate (N) during vegetation period. 50-60 kg/ha of Potassium (K₂O) during vegetation period. Application of liquid Boron (B) pre-flowering-stage is highly recommended (attention: be careful and precise in dosing as boron toxicity can occur easily).
10. Fungicide recommendation: for disease protection, for example mildium, we recommend the fungicide PICTOR SK at a dosage of 600 ml/ha. Apply once at the 2-4 leaf pair stage and again before flowering.
11. Preferred soil type: Soil has to be nutritious, firm, and with neutral pH. Seeds and plants need water. Sandy soils require irrigation.
12. Maturity classification: Medium early: 110 days to maturity.
13. GMO status: Seeds are NON-GMO
14. Average plant height: On average 160-170cm.
15. Head orientation: Slightly curved downward on inclined stem.
16. Lodging resistance: Good lodging resistance.
17. Seed retention characteristics (after ripening): Strong seed retention; seeds do not fall easily.
18. Broomrape (orobanche) resistance: Low-medium tolerance to Orobanche. Recommended to be sprayed with imidazolinone-based herbicides (e.g. Pulsar).
19. Disease resistance: Relatively tolerant to downey mildew, rust, phomopsis and alternaria.
20. Tendency for fungal contamination (end-product): Seed is shiny and clean. No fungus is observed on the surface of seed after harvest.
21. Packaging type: Packed in three-layer insulated paper bags branded AtlantaSeed.
22. Palletized transportation: Yes, regular European size pallets.
23. Labelling and certification: Compliant with EU legislation and standards. Bags are tagged with blue OECD/ISTA certified label. ISTA/OECD quality certificate will be provided. Phytosanitary certification available. Certificate of origin available (Turkey).

Additional Information:

One bag contains 150 000 seeds. Depending on sowing rate may be sown from 2.3 to 3.3 ha.

Yes, the seeds are treated with fungicide Lumisena 200FC.

Germination is minimum 95%. In case of normal soil and climatic conditions – between
95 and 98%.

The soil should not be sandy or stony. In case of sandy soil, it will need irrigation.

Regular soil type herbicides which are used commonly on sunflower fields, can be applied.

Yes. We recommend if possible the seeds to be treated with half a dose of METALAXIL M against DM.

At normal climatic conditions /common rains during vegetation/ – between 3.5 and 4.5 t/ha, under irrigation –5 t/ha. In case of drought – under 3 t/ha.

No, seed is striped, shiny and clean. NON fungus are observed on the surface of seed after harvesting.

The purity is 99.8%, moisture is 5-6%. The seeds are packed in a paper three-layer insulated bags branded Atlanta SeedTM.

All requirements according to the European standards are kept. Blue OECD/ISTA certified label is tagged with all information according requirements. ISTA/OECD Quality certificate and Phytosanitary Certificate are a must and will be provided.

There is no need of isolation distance from other sunflower hybrids.

We suggest NOT to use Stomp Extra because of potential damages. Gardoprim is a good option. Pictor as a Fungicide is also a good option.


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