Bajar IMI

bajar IMI


1. Seed count per bag (i.e. one unit): 150,000 seeds
2. Recommended sowing rate: for dehulling; 40,000 – 45,000 seeds per hectare (covers 3.3 – 3.8 hectares). For bird food; 60,000 – 65,000 seeds per hectare (covers 2.3 – 2.5 hectares).
3. Sowing timing: Soil temperature must exceed 12°C before planting.
4. Potential yield per hectare: Genetic yield potential >4.0/ha.
5. Germination rate: Guaranteed minimum >85%.
6. Seed treatment: Seeds are treated with fungicide. Additional treatment against Downey Mildew is recommended.
7. Applied herbicide technology: Bajar is an IMI hybrid. Normal dosage of imidazolinone-based herbicides can be applied. For example, Pulsar CL40 can be used.
8. Herbicide recommendation It is recommended to cultivate between rows. Regular soil-type herbicides commonly used for sunflower fields may be applied. For example, the herbicide Gardoprim Plus Gold is recommended at a dosage of 4.5 L/ha. It should be applied immediately after planting, within three days of sowing. Furthermore, Helianthex could be applied at a dosage of 45ml/ha, after 4th leaf up to the bud formation. For cereal weeds, we recommend Fusilade Forte 150 EC. This herbicide should be used at a dose of 1.0-1.3 L/ha. Apply during the 3rd to 5th leaf stage of weed growth. Mechanical and/or hand cultivation is highly recommended when weeds are aggressive.
9. Fertilization recommendation: 250 kg/ha of NPK fertilizer pre-sowing. 100 kg/ha of ammonium nitrate (N) during vegetation period. 50-60 kg/ha of Potassium (K₂O) during vegetation period. Application of liquid Boron (B) pre-flowering-stage is highly recommended (attention: be careful and precise in dosing as boron toxicity can occur easily).
10. Fungicide recommendation: For disease protection, for example mildium, we recommend the fungicide PICTOR SK at a dosage of 600 ml/ha. Apply once at the 2-4 leaf pair stage and again before flowering.
11. Preferred soil type: Soil has to be nutritious, firm, and with neutral pH. Seeds and plants need water. Sandy soils require irrigation.
12. Maturity classification: Medium early: 105-110 days.
13. GMO status: Seeds are NON-GMO
14. Average plant height: on average: 160-170 cm.
15. Head orientation: Slightly curved downward on inclined stem
16. Lodging resistance: Very good lodging resistance.
17. Seed retention characteristics (after ripening): Strong seed retention; seeds do not fall easily.
18. Broomrape (orobanche) resistance: Low-medium tolerance to Orobanche. Recommended to be sprayed with imidazolinone-based herbicides (e.g. Pulsar).
19. Disease resistance: Relatively tolerant to downey mildew, rust, phomopsis and alternaria.
20. Tendency for fungal contamination (end-product): Seed is shiny and clean. No fungus is observed on the surface of seed after harvest.
21. Packaging type: Packed in three-layer insulated paper bags branded AtlantaSeed.
22. Palletized transportation: Yes, regular European size pallets.
23. Labelling and certification: Compliant with EU legislation and standards. Bags are tagged with blue OECD/ISTA certified label. ISTA/OECD quality certificate will be provided. Phytosanitary certification available. Certificate of origin available (Turkey).


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