About Us
Mission, vision, values and practices
Our Mission
Better together!
Everything starts from the seed, from the earth and a system in which we are all connected. Our mission is to empower farmers and agribusinesses with precision-selected seeds, enhancing crop yields, profitability, and resilience against climate change. We’re committed to pioneering sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring our customers contribute positively to the world in a responsible and financially beneficial way.
Our Vision
Sustainably grow with care for the land and those who produce!
Our vision is to become Bulgaria’s leading provider of sustainable seeds, transforming the way food is grown with care for the land and those who produce. We aim to pioneer advances in seed technology and agricultural practices that increase productivity and preserve the environment for future generations. Additionally, our passion extends to boosting the nutritional profiles and flavour of our produce.
Our Values
basic values
To achieve our goal and vision, we are guided daily by our goals. We have 3 goals that define and drive the work culture for our company and team.
Loyalty to our partners
Our core belief is in forging lasting partnerships That’s why we strive to create products, practices and build relationships that bring benefits to all partners in the chain – from science, through trade, to manufacturers and end customers. We look for opportunities to develop and upgrade to enrich everyone, because only together can we develop a healthier business and world.
Growing Better Every Day
We’re dedicated to continuous improvement, every day. In our everyday life, we strive to follow and develop with innovations, to work more efficiently, to enrich our knowledge in order to be able to help and transfer it to our partners and customers. We strive to develop better products, technologies and practices, services to our partners, which are the basis for a “Better” Tomorrow.
Quality and strong science
To help the growers adapt to the rapidly developing industry and climatic conditions, we invest a lot of resources, time and efforts to create and implement products that are based on advanced technology, innovative, with better quality, nutrients and yield.
Лоялност към нашите партньори
За нас е изключително важно изграждането на трайни партньорства. Затова се стремим се да създаваме продукти, практики и изградим отношения, които носят ползи за всички колеги по веригата – от науката, през търговията, до производителите и крайните клиенти. Търсим възможности за развитие и надграждане с цел обогатяване за всички, защото само заедно може да развием по-здравословен бизнес и свят.
Стремеж към „ПО-ДОБРО“ всеки ден
За нас всичко е процес, който винаги трябва да се усъвършенства и развива. В нашето всекидневие се стремим да следим и развиваме новостите, да работим по-ефективно и ползотворно, да обогатяваме нашите знания, за да може да помагаме и да ги прехвърляме на нашите партньори и клиенти. Стремим се да развиваме по-добри продукти, технологии и практики, по-добри услуги към нашите партньори, които да са базата за едно „По-Добро“ Утре.
Качество и силна наука
За да помогнем на нашите производители да се адаптират към бързо развиващата се индустрия и климатични условия, ние инвестираме много ресурси и усилия да създаваме и внедряваме продукти, които са базирани на усъвършенствани технологии, иновативни, с по-високо качество, хранителни вещества и добив.